
Literature, Hope College Digital Liberal Arts, Hope College Logo

The Lyford Project by Madalyn Northuis

Hoobla-Hoobla-Hoobla-How by Kara Robart

The Medea. A modern adaptation in one act with pre-show videos: Men and Feminism, Men and Anti-Feminism, Women and Feminism, and Women and Anti-Feminism by Claire Trivax

Little Modern Magazines: The Influence of Literary Magazines by Rachel Brumagin, Annika Gidley, Joshua Kam, and Katrin Kelley

Nineteenth-Century Sunday School Literature by Kaitlyn Rustemeyer, Kellyanne Fitzgerald, and Shannon Rogers

The Anti-Slavery Almanac by Kirstin Anderson, Andrew Monroe and Nina Kay

The Office of Lazarus by Jonathan Bading

Pride and Prejudice and Fantasy by Annika Gidley with Curtis Gruenler

Hadley and Ernest by Emma Wangstrom with Stephen Hemenway

Multigenre Blog by Anna Jones with Susanna Childress

InclusiviREAD: Disability, Literature, and Community by Aine O’Connor with Wayne Tan

The Art of Moving Across Borders by Sarah Herrera with Jesus Montaña

La Vie Glamour de F. Scott Fitzgerald à Paris by Rebecca Stanton and Kaitlyn Rustemeyer with Natalie Dykstra

Our Distorted Narratives: What our Textbooks Have to Do with How We Talk About the Civil War by Laura Anthon with Charles Green