A New Form of Struggle: Betty Ford and Breast Cancer in the 1970s by Kevin Wonch
The Lyford Project by Madalyn Northuis
Hoobla-Hoobla-Hoobla-How by Kara Robart
Holland’s Vietnam Veterans: An Oral History Project by Cullen Smith
The Boston Smallpox Epidemic: A Quantitative Analysis by Elizabeth Ensink
“For the Boys Over There”: The 1918 United War Work Campaign by Miriam Roth, Jonathan Tilden, and Ian Bussan
From Hippies to Hipsters by Hope Hancock
The Boston Bicentennial by Cullen Smith
The Man Who Wore Red by Nia Stringfellow
Anne Bradstreet’s Resolution: Understanding the Complexities of the Puritan Code of Womanhood by Gianna Ramirez
Roustabout: the Great Circus Train Wreck by Rachel Kennedy
A Dramaturgy of In the Wake by Rachel Kennedy
The Founding Fathers and Their Lending Histories by Irene Gerrish, Olivia Lehnertz, Sarah Lundy, and Kelly Arnold
Little Modern Magazines: The Influence of Literary Magazines by Rachel Brumagin, Annika Gidley, Joshua Kam, and Katrin Kelley
The Anti-Slavery Almanac by Kirstin Anderson, Andrew Monroe and Nina Kay
The Media’s First Lady by Sarah Lundy with Jeanne Petit
Hadley and Ernest by Emma Wangstrom with Stephen Hemenway
From Recreate to Reunite: Operation Babylift, Family Separation and Public Construction of the Family by Aine O’Connor with Jeanne Petit
Our Distorted Narratives: What our Textbooks Have to Do with How We Talk About the Civil War by Laura Anthon with Charles Green